Friday, October 29, 2004

For Tuesday, October 26 to Thursday, October 28, 2004

I worked these three days. Nothing exciting happened. In fact, Tuesday was the slowest sales day of the month at the store. CONgratulations to me.

Though I've never worked in a retail store before, most of the jobs I've done in one way or another. I've served clients in a one-on-one capacity (like food service at my parents'); I've used a cash register; I've done inventory; I've folded sweaters (at my own home); I've cleaned and vacuumed; I've chatted with people (not a very hard job, is it?). What I have never done though is work a credit card machine, where I swipe a credit card into the machine, wait for it to produce that double receipt, have you sign it and me take the WHITE copy! It's deceptively simple: swipe, punch in dollar amount (any amount you wish! - doesn't force you to coordinate with the register) and press enter. And just having a credit card number will do! If I memorize your credit card number, I can charge you again and again! That was my one though of the day.

Last night (Thursday), I went out to drinks with my old coworker. Her friend was having a birthday party so I tagged along. She also wanted me to meet someone she recently met who was in a fashion-related industry. Very cool people and I appreciated that. These are white folks. Do I have any white folks reading this? A shout out to the white people. Thanks.

Going home to Florida today.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

For Monday, October 25, 2004, I did the following:

I woke up at 10:45 this morning. It was my day off. I am very happy about that. However, I had a big project due for my FIT class. I did the majority of it so I wasn't as nervous.

In the morning, I made myself some tea and surfed for news. I printed out 4 NYTimes articles because I felt I hadn't read any Times articles in a while. I brought them out to the living room sans laptop. I didn't finish any of the articles. I read enough to know what happened. Oh well.

I then started to do my project. I cut and pasted (with scissors and a glue stick). It was like arts and crafts. In the middle, I made plans to have lunch with a friend. We ate at May Rose (subtitled Comfortable Food). It was alright. Then I went downtown to Aveda to pick up the tickets/booklets to allow my lovely female roommates their pick of cheap Estee Lauder items for Friday. After that, I went to my sister's workplace to pick up some magazines. I needed a couple of tearsheets for my project. I then headed back home to finish up the work.

FIT class was as confusing as ever. She doesn't tell us all the things she wants us to do for the following class. When the next session comes along, she expects all these things. And students get confused and frustrated. There's this one girl who is really frustrated but she handles it poorly. It's not that she yells or anything but she stupidly talks back to the teacher in a way thata makes you want to cringe. I feel like, "Girl, you are stupid. Don't make the professor feel dumb. Yes, she did not say to do X, Y and Z but now she expects it. There is a better way of getting your point across. You don't want her mad at you." I seriously want to tell this to her. I am imagining going up to her and opening with, "How old are you?" As I am almost certainly older than her, I will share the wisdom of my experience (school and corporate). Anyway, I had to leave class early because I had this benefit concert to go to. I left class at 7:30, just as she was about to begin her lesson. Prior to that was attendance, giving back homework (I'm doing worse and worse), and her explaining the project that was due that session.

I left class, went back home to drop off my bag and took a cab to Lincoln Center. I met up with my friend who I invited to go. I got these tickets for free because I volunteer with this organization that had some. On the website, the show is about:

"On Monday, October 25, 2004, GMHC will return to Lincoln Center's Avery Fisher Hall with a new and exciting gala benefit concert event — Showstoppers! — featuring legendary Broadway stars performing the signature "numbers' for which they are best known. Avery Fisher Hall was, of course, the site of our triumphant 2003 concert production of Jerry Herman's Broadway musical, Mack & Mabel."

It was a packed house, but in the audience I saw Isaac Mizhari and the mom from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I'm sure there were other "regular" celebrities beyond the Broadway crowd.

So, I went to that. I didn't go to the reception at Tavern on the Green afterwards though. My friend had to go home and I didn't want to go by myself. So, I came home. Passed a McDonald's on the way and bought some Chicken Selects (twice in 4 days). Yum.

Good night.

Monday, October 25, 2004

For Saturday October 23 and Sunday October 24:

These two days just blurred together because I worked both days.
Um...let's see what's happening here.

Met Josh Hartnett today. Brought him some clothes, told him that this shirt fit him well when he asked. Nice, unassuming, tall guy.

I went to see the Grudge last night. It was not scary at all. I hate scary movies that are not scary. Not once did I flinch. Well, once. When the guy almost slipped on something wet on the floor and it made a squeek noise. It came during a rather quiet scene.

I went to bed at 4 last night and woke up in time to go to work. I'm kinda proud of myself. I was doing my project due tomorrow.

I was thinking about how I may sound disingenious when I say "hello, how are you?" to each customer walking into the door. But I do mean it. I don't really care what their answer is, but I do mean to say it. Wait, I guess that's pretty fake then, huh? Oh well. Well, I gave that same "hello, how are you?" tone to Josh Hartnett when he walked in because I didn't recognize him. Heh heh. But he probably thinks I'm this retail peon, which of course, I am.

I came home today to a dark living room and dining room. I thought, everyone had stuff to do on a Sunday night. Then, one by one, they started to come to life. Regina's door opened as I walked down the hallway. She was up from her nap (she says she was cleaning her room). Later, Manboo got home from Atlanta; then Wendy from D.C., then Fookwanzaa from study group. The Commune was accounted for. I hate a late dinner while the others had a late night snack.

It's almost 2 am. I shall go to bed soon.

Friday, October 22, 2004

For Friday, October 22, 2004:

I woke up like any other day. Went to bed late. Well, I was in bed for a while but fell asleep later.

Today, we got a new shipment in at work. We get new stuff each week so the store looks different every week. These crazy folks come in knowing we get new stuff and ask "what's new?" No one does this at Banana Republic! Weird.

I'm getting the hang of things. I just need to learn to remember these customers' names. I'm also looking for a sewing machine for the new store.

I came home to an apartment with two roommates out of town, one who is studying or not here, and one who's working on Saturday. So Regina and I went to McDonald's for our Friday night date. I ordered 3 McChicken Sandwiches, a large order of French Fries and a 5-piece Chicken Selects. Yum!

I ate, and then went to Kinko's to pick up my order. I had some oversized 14x14 print done for my FIT class. It turned out okay. It's the background for my project. I'm designing a cruisewear 2005 collection. So, I'm going to put my croquis on top of this color background that I had printed up. It's due Monday. It's Friday! I'm actually working ahead of schedule. I still have to do the important things though: the actual drawings. :) Whatever.

What else is happening with me? Retail is interesting and there are things that I do here that are not cookie cutter. I don't have to follow some book as to how to pair pants with shirts, but then again, getting to be creative with something like that isn't a great accomplishment either.

I think the hours just kinda stink. I don't have time to do much. I certainly don't have time to shop! I don't have time to do volunteer things since I work weekends and also until 8. Eh! Who cares?!

I want to be those people who come into the store. Almost all entrepeneurs, with some fashion drones thrown in. It's not the lawyers or doctors or bankers. Sure, they could afford these clothes but they don't have the leisurely time to shop during a weekday. These designers, photographers, art directors (and not all just creative jobs either) apparently make good money and still have time to shop. I'm sure they work hard, but they're not corporate slaves either. Slavery is not a good life. :) I don't really want to be that, but I also don't think I'm built for anything else. Among my close friends, I don't see enterpreneurs. Is it because they're mostly Asian and we've been taught to get corporate jobs and work hard at it and make money so that we can spend it well on the two days that we have time off? Need to think about this more because my life now is worst than corporate drone-ism; it's retail whoring. Eh! Baby steps.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Why does my count always say 197 posts despite me posting every day? Does it mean it's deleting my old posts?!

For October 21, 2004 - it was the same. More people came in and bought expensive stuff without looking at price tags or at least not balking at a $200 henley.

Things that I have thought about in the past week but didn't get to write because I forgot so I wrote it on a piece of paper at work just for this moment. They include:

** There's a mirror there at work so I can look at myself every time I pass or every 20 minutes, whichever happens first. And I do (look in the mirror, that is).

** There are definitely boy jobs and girl jobs. Girls make the coffee (cappucinnos actually) for the morning meetings. The boys take down the flag (yep, got a flag of some sort).

** On my first choice, I got to put in a CD of my choice and I chose Al Green's Greatest Hits.

** Ellen Degeneres' people called yesterday (and I picked up). Her assistant (Kellen) needed some clothes sent overnight because Ellen is shooting an AmEx commercial and wanted some of our clothes. We apparently have done this before and the others didn't bat an eye.

My room is a mess. I want to finish reading my book. And subway rides are back in my life.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

For Monday October 18; Tuesday October 19; Wednesday October 20 -

Monday was my day off. But I still had to do homework. I actually got finished earlier. I think I woke up around 9:30 or so. I went to class and my grades are not as good as before. :) It's alright. I got home, cooked, went on the computer. Went over to a friend's place to watch a movie.

Tuesday - work day. It was fine. The big boss was there and we had to talk. He has a japanese accent and it was sometimes difficult to understand but it was alright. What happened there? Not much. People come in and buy thousands' of dollars worth of stuff. But the night before, I had a dream that I got invited to the Olsen twins' apartment. I know where they live. Well, I know what building it is. It isn't done yet. It's four units combined into one. Anyway, I got invited to it. Ashley has one unit as her bedroom; Mary-Kate the other. There's a living area which is one unit in itself. Anyway, I toured it and we hung out. And these girls are messy! They have stuff lying all around the place. I woke up and went back to bed and I continued that dream! It was real! It happened. And they came to my workplace two weeks ago (I wasn't there).

Wednesday - work day. Same ole, same ole. Oh, I made a mistake. I rang up someone without charging them tax. And then I had to ring him up again. I've seen so many black American Express cards. My boss has one. I then went to the gym and came home. Cooked and am eating right now. Will probably organize my room or something.

Later. Did you miss me?

Sunday, October 17, 2004

For Saturday, October 16 and Sunday, October 17, 2004

Saturday, I worked. It was fine. Nothing special but I think everyone there (even after four years) are still surprised that people actually buy these ridiculously overpriced casual items. We sold 150% of goal.

Anyway, I bought myself a pair of jeans today. I was going to "borrow" the clothes everyday. If you go to the store, do NOT get the #3 sized long sleeve t-shirt in orange and heather grey. I've worn those. But I decided to get the jeans because this gay couple liked my jeans and how it fits on me. And you know gay guys...they got style. But I don't think it highlights my ass very well.

Afterwards, we went out for drinks on the company dime. I had my usual dirty Grey Goose martini. Yum....

I came home..kinda drunk. I hadn't had anything to eat before the drink. I had a friend come over. We ordered food, ate it and then I slept.

Sunday, I worked. It was an hour later than the weekdays. That was nice I guess. But it's still work. Yeah, I really need to ease into this work thing. I met the CFO of Pfizer today. He apparently shops here a LOT. He got like a couple of thousands' worth of stuff. That means two jeans, a wallet and a shirt. That's all. The wallet was like 400 bucks! It's ridiculous.

I am now home and eating ramen for dinner. We're watching anime from Fookwanzaa in Manboo's room. Don't tell him that we're in here. We = his four roommates (and our laptops of course).

Alright. I'll stop here. If there any updates, I'll let you know. Tomorrow is class. I need to do homework. I had planned to do some tonight. At this rate, it may not happen!

Friday, October 15, 2004

For Thurday October 14, 2004

I was talking to something and we fell asleep whilst talking so I didn't get to post yesterday.
Yesterday was kinda uneventful. I woke up at noon. I made some tea for breakfast. I then went to see my sister at her job. She was printing up some color stuff for me for my FIT class. After that, I came home for a while to do more of nothing. I think earlier that morning Regina came into my room at 7 o'clock to say hi. We had discussed the night before about how she tiptoes around the house when she leaves because no one is up yet. I told her that I didn't care, that I could easily go to bed if she ever woke me up. So she did just that and I did just as I said I would: sleep for another 5 hours. After coming home, I also got ready to go meet my old manager for drinks. She was in town for the week. She has a 6-month position in London. That took another 3 or so hours. It was fun. She's great and I really like her. Asked about grad school recommendation (sorta) but she poo-poo'd (not really) on it mostly because she thinks if fashion is what I want to do, then I should do that now. But she had a totally different direction in how I should approach. She thinks I should be the business person to all these up and coming creatives/designers. I should work for free now but ask for equity stake in their emerging company. That's so entrepeneurial and I don't know if I'm there yet. But what does it take to be enterpreneurial? We'll see. After that, I came home and did nothing. Until I talked to that friend.

Friday, October 15, 2004.

It was my first day of work at this retail store. It was good. I can't honestly say that I am totally excited about doing this for the rest of my life but then again, I really really don't want to be a sales associate all of my life. But for a three-week trial thing? Sure. I like this company and I like the people (it's a small group of folks). It's a medium size chain in Japan. There's one company in the States and we're it. They opened one up in Paris last year. So, mom-and-pop in a lot of ways but they have support from Japan. Best of both worlds I guess. The clothing is casual but EXPENSIVE. I had to change into something they own and I need to buy some of the stuff (we get 70% off). The jeans I was wearing was $380 and the long sleeve plain t-shirt was $113. I KNOW! But people come and buy! And these are repeat customers who know the two older sales associates. And they don't even live in New York. Some Cambridge/Nantucket woman bought $3000 worth of stuff over the phone! The store gets new merchandise every week so they always call to ask "What's new?" Did a little bit of everything. Tomorrow's a bigger day I guess, more people/walk-ins.

Alright. I want to go to sleep. We'll see when I get to do that.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

For Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I'm the only one of my roommates who doesn't have curtains in his bedrooms.

This morning, I woke up at around 12:30. Don't remember what happened. I was online (of course). I submitted some grad school things. I'm researching it.

Called the retail store to let them know that I'll be there on Friday for the three-week trial.

I then proceeded to spend the next 2 hours on Lego's. I brought the Lego's home to build the obstacle course for the kids. The first meeting with them was tonight. At 5 something, I cleaned up and brought what I had built to the Lower East Side. There were 9 kids. All new. It was good. I'm glad that the extra mentors came. I'm afraid I may not be able to continue because of the retail job. It looks like a good group this year though. We had them break into teams and compete against each other. Kids love that. Don't they know they're all dumb? :)

I then went to the gym and spent some time there. Nothing exciting.

I then went to the 24-hour post office on the west side. Had to get some stuff to my parents. Cross-towned it home. I never used to take the bus. Now, I'm willing to stand and wait for a bus. I just wasn't before.

I got home and immediately cooked something because I haven't had any solid foods all day. I made some chili. Well, it was ground beef that I took out of the freezer before I left for Lego's, a can of tomato sauce, a can of beans and an onion. And mixed it all together. That's chili to me!

I ate it in my room because Manboo because there were college young 'uns outside (all women of course). I watched the game.

After the guests left, we all ended up in the living room. Then Fookwanzaa came home and the five roommates had a good time just chatting and relating stories.

The party broke up around 2.

I should go to bed. It's 3.

Why do people like Oprah so much?

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

For Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I woke up this morning around 10 something. I didn't do much in the morning. I checked email, tried to find out about unemployment insurance, read some news (realized that I haven't read an entire NYTimes article from beginning to end for a while), thought about my homework for class and asked my roommate what her color theme preference was for a cruisewear 2005 collection that I was creating. Lots of little random stuff = time waster.

A friend discovered IM at work so we IM'ed for a bit. I made myself some lunch. And then got ready for my second interview with this SOHO boutique. I left 30 minutes before the meeting but got to the place in 15. I walked around SOHO. Went into the Apple Store. Not that exciting but still a looong line at the counter. Doesn't everyone who was ever going to buy an IPod, already buy it?

Went into the John Varvatos store. $285 for a cotton hoodie?! Ridiculous, but I wasn't really seeing any lightweight, thin cotton hoodies for sale anywhere though! Am I forced to buy it then? I was embolden to go in because I was wearing a suit and didn't look like a scrub. But I've gone in there looking scrubby (jeans and t-shirt, but fancy t-shirt). It's all about attitude. You can always pretend you're some international rich kid from Asia (if you're Asian that is).

I went to my interview. It went fine. Short. And I came home. I made some dinner at 4 PM. I also made a smoothie. The frozen fruit from our sangria for the housewarming is still around and no one seems to want the extra calories from the fruit. I, on the other hand, didn't care about calories. The more the better. I also made chicken and ate the rest of the spinach that I made earlier for lunch. I just had spinach and two eggs for "lunch." Anyway, it was good. Then Regina comes home, makes her own food. Two minutes after she finishes her food, we made popcorn to eat.

I waste more time on the computer. I think I spend more time on the computer these days than while I was working. We watch some TV. Wendy comes home; she makes dinner. Manboo comes home. Has a friend visiting for a little before she has to head out to dinner. We (Regina and I) made her change the channel for us because we were too lazy to get up from the couch and our laptops to fetch it 10 feet away. She was nice. Fookwanzaa comes home and has a friend in town as well.

After several more shows, I come to my bedroom to arrange some stuff. I had done laundry earlier in the evening so I'm folding clothes. I organized my paper inbox a little bit. Far from done. I have bills that I haven't paid, but they haven't hounded me though. Hmm... Can't be good. It's gonna bite me in the ass sooner or later.

I took some jacket out of their garment bags. It's getting cold!

It's 1:18 AM and I'm going to bed soon. Why are my days not productive?

BTW: I got the job at the Japan-based boutique. It's selling clothes. I can't believe I'm selling clothes.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Monday, October 11, 2004

I woke up at 9 this morning. That's the earliest in weeks! Took another 3o minutes to round up the gang but Wendy, Regina and I went to Bed Bath and Beyond to get stuff. It turned out that none of us had anything to get. It was Joe and Joe who needed stuff, both of whom couldn't make it. And we have this coupon for 20% the entire purchase. We went to get throw pillows for our rugs but they didn't have the color that we wanted. We ended up asking them to get them out of their warehouse somewhere. They will arrive later this week. We wanted the colors Sienna and Merlot. After leaving the store with 40 dollar's worth of candles (all three of us got some; Regina more than the others), we went to have lunch at Petite Abeille's around the corner.

I proceed to head home while Regina and Wendy stopped off at Sephora and Jo Malone. They came home very happy with their free samples. When I got home I discovered that we have electricity! Made no difference to me. I had electricity in my living areas all along. And I even did laundry!

I proceed to do my homework due in another 5 hours. I do this all the time. But it went well and I got it done in a couple of hours. I then proceeded to just organize my thoughts in Excel spreadsheets. I was thinking about my job application process, graduate school requirements, and some other stuff.

Regina and I ordered dinner. It arrived and we ate it. I couldn't finish. I then went to class. We learned to draw skirts today. We also "studied" color. She told us to read the two pages on color theory. That was her lesson. She's not very organized. And college students can be so annoying, especially those who are dumb and/or stupid.

I then went to the gym for about an hour. Caught the subway and bus up back home. I got back around 10:30. I heated up the lunch leftovers and the dinner leftovers. We were waiting for Fresh Direct. It arrived at 11:37 or so. We unpacked the groceries.

I am going to bed soon.

Other thoughts not related to my actual movements: Not working isn't too much different from working. I'm still pretty inactive.

I'm supposed to think about the question "Do we need Jesus as a Savior?" A friend and I are thinking about that question and all other questions and answers that result from this initial question. This was posed last Tuesday. We were both going to think about it. I haven't all this week. I thought about it when he mentioned it to me. If he's reading this, I haven't thought about it after that initial talk. :) I have four questions that come out of that. They are very very basic questions but I'll email them to you. I have no answers (I never do).

Sunday, October 10, 2004

So today was definitely a lazy day.
I went to bed at 3 AM yesterday.
I got woken up at 7 AM this morning.
I was up until 10 something.
Went back to my room.
Didn't come out until 6 something.
I slept, just basically hung out in my bed.

I went outside to the other parts of the apartment. Soon after, I joined Regina at a Barnes and Noble where we proceeded to make fun of celebrities in the magazines (like they care; they only have a billion dollars). We then walked down to Union Square to eat some comfort food at Chat 'n Chew. I just wanted some meat-y. I ordered the TV Dinner special (Chicken Fried Steak, Green Bean Casserole, and Mashed Potatoes). Mmmm good...just like mom (if she was a white woman in the south and not the Chinese one I actually have) used to make.

We then walked home (dang, it's gettin' chilly out these days). I proceeded to commune with my roommates the only we know how: sitting at the dining room table with our respective laptops, surfing the web. Fookwanzaa comes home and we ostracize him for not bringing his computer out of his bedroom to join us. He goes to his room to study. I IM some folks. I do laundry of my sheets. As I type, I'm still on IM conversations.

I will probably do this until I go to bed. That's about all for tonight folks.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Saturday, October 9, 2004

I woke up at 10 something today. I wanted to wake up earlier to go to the gym and then go to this job interview. I woke up in time to just go to the interview. I took a shower and read through the notes on the company that I had printed the night before. I was reading about the different lines of clothing/jeans that they had. I left at 10:30 for the 11 AM meeting. I got there on time and met up with John and Emily. It was fine. I was not nervous. In fact, I feel like they were more nervous than I was. They were trying to sell me on the company, which is fine. I mean, I am desperate too. So, there needs to be a second interview with the boss. John told me that I will already get a call for that. They are meeting with other candidates. I was their first one. I left there feeling fine. I don't think too much of it. If I get, I'll probably take it.

I came home and ate and hang out for a little bit. Then I left to go to the Greenwood Cemetery. There was a tour there. Steinway (of the piano fame) is buried there. There were also catacombs, which are considered medium-prestige as a plot. We were there for about an hour. I ran into Josh on the subway there. We were supposed to meet at the cemetery. I sidled up to him on the sidewalk like an admirer. He didn't realize it was me until I said hi and he kinda jumped back. I get that a lot.

After getting back to Manhattan (oh, the cemetery is in Brooklyn), I met a friend for coffee. We caught up for an hour and then I came home. I've been home ever since. It's 2:30 AM now. Regina and I took some crazy pictures with Regina. It makes her look like a ghost. I was playing with settings on my digital camera. We watched the Apprentice that I had taped from this week. I rummaged for food. Ate Manboo's leftovers. He's out of town. He ain't gonna need it. I hadn't had dinner.

Alright. Will go to bed around 3 AM tonight. Good night.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Friday. October 8, 2004

Howdy doo.

I'm realizing that since I write this before I go to bed that it's gotten somewhat shorter. I really just want to go to bed sometimes. But at least I remember the activities and can expound on them if you ask me (don't ask me). Update to last night: I don't know what time I finished the blog but I went to bed at 2 AM.

Today: I woke up at noon. And people were around the house....washing dishes, complaining about stomach problems. I mean, don't these people work!? Am I the only sucker who forfeited his pay to hang out at the house all day. Wendy and Regina were home. I'm like, what day is it?

I checked my voicemail and noticed that my friend left me a message at around 9 something. She asked if I wanted to do some temp work for her company and she would pay me. I called her back, got her voicemail. Figured it was too late, I told her thanks for keeping me in mind but let me know if there's other stuff I can do. She calls me back not long after and told me they still needed someone to do this admin-labeling type work. I said yes and that I would see her at her office in a couple of hours. I showered, changed. I met up with my sister because I had some stuff to give her. She in turn had a magazine for me. I walked to her office. We met up and we then walked to Macy's for her to return something; the subway for me to get down to the my friend's office at Aveda. For the next 7 hours, I was there cutting labels and pasting them on the samples to go to the national sales team. The new product (I hope I don't get in trouble for announcing this sooner than its official release) is called Control Tape. It's like those Listerine Strips, but they're gel strips for your hair packaged similarly. It melts in your hand with water or something like that. I have a sample if you'd like to try it. Coming to an Aveda store near you. Anyway, I was there for a while. I met some cool people. One of the marketing managers who stayed late with me had her boyfriend there as well doing this temp-y work. My friend left around 6. She was coming back during the weekend to do her other stuff. So, for a while, it was just the three of us and it was fun. She brought us cookies. I felt like it was arts and crafts day. I got a tour of the Maya Lin-designed office. It wasn't very big but it was nice. I think I would like to work for a company that size (about 50 people in that office). The official organization is much larger and based in Minneapolis. But I realize I think that 30-50 is a good number of people. Intimate but not cult-like.

After that, I came home to a dark house. During my temp work, I got a text message indicating that a fuse had blown and our apartment was dark. Only certain outlets were working. I come home to a refridgerator that has been moved around in the kitchen so that the plug would go into a working socket (thankfully also in the kitchen). The dryer cord was plugged via three surge-protectors-as-extension-cords to my bathroom outlet. The living room lights were out. The hall lights were out. However, my bedroom was fine. My main light was on. And the outlet for my TV was one. Yippee for me. The outlets in the room of the causer of the outage was also functioning. He and I share a bathroom and that power outlet was also working. The bathroom right next to it - not working. Ha ha. So, for me, life is just dandy.

I made myself some dinner in a working microwave. Watched a little TV. Then my roommates came home from small group and piled into my room (the one with light) and we chatted and laughed about onion-ass or ass-onion and LCD. Yeah, you had to be there.

We disbanded after a while. Some went to bed, some went online shopping (clearly Internet still works), some went to pack. I washed my dinner dishes. And printed up some material for a meeting I have tomorrow. As of this writing, I have to review it. It's 1:40 now. But I will...soon.

And here I am. 1:41 AM. I'm going to review my notes.

I'm going to some cemetary tomorrow as well as my meeting. I may also go to the pop-up Target store in Times Square. It's going to be so crowded, I'm sure.

Chow! Er, I mean ciao!

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Thursday, October 7, 2004
Hello kids.

This morning I woke up around 11 AM. I meant to wake up at 8. I mean to do a lot of things. Whatever.

I got ready to go to a job fair called the Fashion Expo at the Metropolitan Pavillon. I had never been to a job fair before. I've been to a career fair. I kind of know what career I want. Difference with a job fair is that you actually interview at these, or they're more closely considering you if you're the perfect fit. I got there; I had to stand in line to get in. The line wasn't as long as for the Elie Tahari sample sale next door, but I still had to stand in line. Registration includes submitting your resume. They sometimes take a quick glance to make sure that you have 2 years' of fashion experience. An event coordinator came out several times to the line to mention that. Most of you know full well I do not have such experience. But someone I got passed the lady by dressing well and moving along quickly to the other registration lady to pay her the admissions fee (yeah, there's a fee).

I walk in there and there's a lot of people standing lines to talk to the popular companies. Men's Wearhouse - no line. Saks Fifth Avenue - line. TJX (owner of TJMax) - no line. Polo Ralph Lauren - line. I stood in only one line (Saks) for forty minutes. Talk to the woman for like 7, which was pretty considering some people sit and stand up in about 2. Anyway, she saw my resume and said, but you don't have any retail experience. I told, that's right. I sneaked in there. But we had a good chat about needing that and what I could do. She was going to talk to someone about some position. I'll follow up with her tomorrow and I'll keep y'all posted. I then walked around for a little more, knowing that everyone I would meet would probably tell me the same thing about not having retail experience. I saw an old professor from FIT and I said hello. And then I booked it outta there. I was there for probably 2 hours.

I left to go home. Susy called on the way home and we chatted for a while. I even read some entries from this blog. She didn't know about it. I reheated lunch. Ate it. Surfed a little. Then, had to leave to go to the Upper West Side to have coffee with a friend. He's coming from the Bronx (I know, it's Canada to me). I figure that was mid point. I had to be there at 5. From 5-6, we drank coffee at Edgar's Cafe (named for Edgar Allan Poe, who used to live in that building when he wrote the Raven).

I then jetted to the East Village to the Kaplan Center to attend some free Personal Statement seminar. It was alright, not that great. Very high level stuff. After that, I got home at around 8. Manboo and Regina were on the couch, starting a bottle of wine. I checked email (it's been like 4 hours after all) and joined them. We watched Reality Bites. I had never seen it. I like it. They all look so young. Wendy came home. Fookwanzaa came home.

After the movie (and two bottles of wine), we disbanded. Regina went to bed. Manboo went to talk on the phone. I IM'ed some folks. Still IM'ing while I'm writing this. I have Will and Grace in the background. I taped it earlier this evening.

Wednesday - October 6, 2004
Good evening. Or good morning.

What happened today?

I woke up at 8 something. I had to get a cable for the printer. I went to a Staples. And came back and installed the printer. It's up and running. For the next three hours, I adjusted the powerpoint, printed 100 invitations/100 envelopes, stuffed them, put stamps on them, sealed them.

That brings me to around noon. I had a lunch meeting with my old coworkers. So, I took the train down to the World Financial Center. I hung out with them for a couple of hours. Just catching up on working folks' lives. I'm not jealous at all, despite them liking their jobs and not complaining. I then went to the Church Street post office. It's newly renovated. I don't know how long it has been since it was renovated; but I remember five years ago, it wasn't like that.

I came home to find Regina lying on the couch reading a magazine. It's like 3 o'clock. I saw her leave for the doctor in the afternoon so I knew she wasn't feeling well. But it still seemed a little lazy of her to sit at home during a weekday doing nothing. Oh wait, that's me every hour. She was waiting for her food. I reheated some of my old stuff. And I ate one of the fried goodness things she ordered because there was a minimum charge. And then I ate the other one. It was good. Fried good. Drank a soda. (I've been averaging 2.5 cans of Coke per day - but that will end when the housewarming stash is done; I think I finished the last one tonight).

At 5:30 or so, I left the house to go to the Lego meeting on the Lower East Side. It's just the mentors tonight, getting together to discuss what to do and the high level approach. We still don't have it all down and prepared. We'll see. I brought home the Lego kit with me. I volunteered to build the entire obstacle course that we'll be practicing on. So, the roommates will be having a lot of fun this weekend!

I got home around 8 and cooked up a storm. Well, I was just messy. But no one was around so I ate by myself. I watched Reno 911. I then cleaned up (both the dishes and my room). My room has been messy for a day and a half. I've been in a rush every time I go out so things have just been lying on the floor.

I took a call from my mom regarding a couple of more addresses for the Orlando reception. I updated and printed up the rest of the list.

I IM'ed a friend for a bit and then I printed up some resumes.

It's 1:42 AM. I will wash my face, take out my contacts and go to bed. The Coke, however, may keep me up.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Program Details from the lecture with Helen Zia

The year 2020 is when China is expcted to overtake the U.S. economy and when the Asian/pacific American population is projected to approach 20 million. In a critical dissection of history, economic trends and demographic predictions, Zia addresses such questions as: As economic powers shift, what population changes can we expect in the U.S.? If as predicted, racial minorities will become the majority population in most U.S. urban cities, what are the political and economic implications for our communities?

Based on history, what policy reactions can we expect from the U.S. government in response to China’s growing economy? Previewing some of the work from her forthcoming book, Zia explores these questions regarding the near future for communities of color by revisiting some lessons of our collective pasts.
Good evening. How is everyone?

I was so frustrated this morning. My laser printer was supposed to arrive yesterday. I checked on the Costco website for the tracking. It did say that it was delivered yesterday but I thought they might have taking it back to their site because the work day was over or something. So, I was expecting it today. I woke up at 10:30 and just worried over that for about 5 hours. I'm like that. Once I focus on something (and it's always something stupid), my life is on hold until that's fixed. One time in college, I was waiting for the maintenance people to take a couch out of my single dorm room. It took several days and I couldn't do anything until then. I couldn't study; I wouldn't set up my computer. It was ridiculous.

So, I was online, did some sorting of the computer files because 30 GB is getting filled up with crap. I watched a couple of Cosby Show episodes. I made ramen noodle lunch.

At four o'clock, I was supposed to meet someone for coffee. He was supposed to call or email with a place beforehand. He never did. At four, he called and asked for a raincheck. It was just as well. I had not gotten ready. I still had bed head; I hadn't changed or brushed my teeth. Anyway, I got ready and headed out.

I went to AI Friedman and the Art Store to get some art supplies - markers, protective covers and colored pencils. I needed more skin toned colors.

After that, I went to a talk by Helen Zia at NYU at its law school. When I find the synopsis of her talk, I'll include that here. It was good and informative; nothing new though. Asian American struggle; we have to be active and have a concerted effort to this activism. Learn from lesson of Harlem Renaissance. That didn't happen by chance. Poets and writers weren't automatically getting published; and musicians were automatically being heard. There was focus in getting that out there.

After the talk, I headed towards my gym since it was close-by. I brought my stuff. I ran into my old roommate and her current roommate. We chatted for a bit while we walked. They live in the area. I went to the gym and did my thing.

After the gym, I went to the 24-hour post office. Got me 100 stamps. I took the crosstown home. I got home to find my printer! Yay!

Problem: don't have the right cable. Damn it! Well, will be waking up at 7 to go to Staples to get one. I need to print 100 invites, 100 envelopes and mail them by the mid morning if possible; afternoon at the latest.

I made some dinner at around midnight. Chatted online with a friend. And it's now 1:20 AM. I am going to go to bed as soon as I wash the dishes.

Good night.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I'm doing this night thing.

Today, I woke up around 1 PM. I'm starting the lazy phase of the non-work state.

I woke up this afternoon, drank some tea with milk (Hong Kong style) and a Coke. I had no lunch. I worked on my homework all afternoon. I did this last week too. I had to draw a bathing suit and a cover-up. So, I drew a bikini and a poncho-style cover-up. It was in green, with patterns. One of the themes for Spring '05 is wild patterns. I also drew four thumbnails of the rest of my Cruise-Wear '05 "collection." I drew a fitted polo, slim pants, long flowy skirt, and a cardigan with a fur collar (fur is back).

This page has a good summary of the 10 trends for Spring '05:

In the middle of my homework doing, I got a visit from an old small group member. She's here from California. She stopped by, got a tour of the apartment. We chatted for a bit. She left to allow me to finish my homework.

I made it just in time. Rushed over to class. It went well. We did necklines. I got my homework back from the ethnic faces project. I got an A-. I am incredibly surprised, considering this kid in front of me is a better artist. And he got a B. I guess he just didn't follow the directions or something. All I know is, I need some skin color colored pencils. Asian folks shouldn't be literally yellow. This week's assignment is rendering of these six blouses. These are the first lessons in actually design of clothing. The professor did a demonstration at her desk while we watched. It's so cool how she can make these drawings so quickly but beautifully.

After class, I went to Kum Gan Sang for dinner with my old roommate and some friends for a birthday. They've never been to a Korean restaurant. But we got the regular stuff: two orders of bu gol gi, one order of dak gui (didn't realize they served chicken), one gop dol bi bim bap and another one without beef for the vegetarian. They seated us in the back which meant we couldn't see the lady at the waterfall playing her zither or whatever the hell she plays. But it also meant they didn't kick us out when we sat there for 30 minutes after we got the fruit plate (paltry pineapple and 3 grapes).

We went down the street to the supermarket to get some mochi ice cream. We each ate one in front of the supermarket, on the street. I walked home.

Came home to find Manboo, Regina and Wendy on the couches with their respective laptops watching a poker tournament on TV. After laughing at them, I joined them with my laptop. We proceeded to IM each other. Fookwanzaa was studying. He joined us a little later, not wanting to be anti-social. But the party had disbanded. Some went to sleep, others went to call their girlfriend. FYI - LB went to bed. MB called his GF.

I organized my inbox, get some Kaplan stuff in order, chatted a bit with some folks.

It's 2:19 AM. I am going to bed soon. After this episode of Family Guy.

Monday, October 04, 2004

I'm going to write the day's event at night before I go to bed instead of the following morning. Like I have said before, I tend to forget things and I don't want you to think that I don't do anything during these days when in fact I do.

So, on October 3, 2004, I did the following:
I woke up at around 1 or 2. Heard the polish bad outside. Manboo and Wendy were making lunch. I invited myself to it. It was good.

After some computer time, we went shopping at Bloomies and Diesel. It was 20 off 20 (20% off the already discounted 20% employee discount). Wendy got her thing. Manboo got his. I just watched. Then we waited for the actual employee friend. That took an hour or so. The waiting. But it was fine. Did you know they sell Air Stockings there? Also, when the friend showed up, we went upstairs to have her pay with her cards and ID's. When we were done, we saw Vera Wang there. I wanted to say "I love your dresses" but it wouldn't really be coming from someone who knew. After Bloomies, we went to Diesel. I didn't plan on getting anything but last minute I tried on something that was just right. And I bought it. It's a zip up cardigan type thing with high collar in black. I like it and you will too. Wendy liked it. She and I combined are a powerhouse of style. But she also doesn't shop at Diesel. Manboo got a western shirt to go with all the other western style shirts he owns from Diesel.

We came home; all worked on our computers for various reasons. Wendy was looking up puppies and recounting the advertising descriptions of those puppies for sale or up for adoption. Manboo was doing fantasy football. I KNOW!

I made dinner but didn't get to eat it because I was making plans to meet someone. I left to go meet someone. We watched the Shining on cable and hung out. Then I came home. I ate the dinner that I made but hadn't eaten. It was heating up in the rice cooker. Now, it is 4:18 and I am going to bed.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Hello. I woke up this morning and found two people cooking in my kitchen. They were my roommates. One of them foolishly asked if I wanted to have some of what they were about to make. And I said, "sure." Sucker! Now I get lunch without having to lift a finger. Instead, my fingers are typing this blog for you wonderful people. Ain't life grand?

On the other hand, outside of my bedroom window and along the other bedroom windows of my apartment are floats upon floats for a POLISH parade happening nearby. These big floats have sound equipment and women belting out their songs. One song sounds very much like the theme from Scooby Doo, but slowed down (the part that goes, "Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Where Are You? We got some work to do now. Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Where Are You? We need some help from you now.")

Okay. Yesterday - October 2, I woke up early to attend an orientation session for volunteers at this health clinic. Very interesting mix of people who volunteer, some of who clients at this clinic. Anyway, that lasted until 2:30 in the afternoon. I went to the gym and stayed there for a while. It wasn't terribly long but I felt it was given that I didn't do too much exercise. I see no improvement. I think it's my diet.

I walked home from the West Village. (I'm afraid all this cardio is not doing me good in the not-lose-weight-but-gain-muscle department). I got home and had me a McDonald's double-cheeseburger that was left over from the day before.

I was tired considering I went to bed around 3 AM (couldn't really sleep well until 5 AM) and had to wake up at 9 AM. So, I, of course, watched some TV and laid on the couch to take a nap, which I did. I heard people coming in but I continued to sleep. Then I woke up to Manboo coming into the living room. And he's talking to a baby stroller parked behind one of the couches. I don't give a second thought to why a baby stroller is in our apartment. But I do think Manboo was crazy talking to it like there was a child inside. I thought he was just pulling my leg. Whoever brought the baby would certainly take the baby with him/her to the roommate's room. And for like a couple of minutes, he kept talking to it. I went over and saw a freakin' baby in there! It was 3 so it wasn't really a baby. This was the child who stayed at the party longer than several of our older friends. =) Anyway, the child woke up and Manboo and I entertained her. We put on Finding Nemo, the only child-appropriate movie we have. Queer as Folk, Sex and the City, or Fight Club just wasn't going to do. We hung out, she ran on the couch from one end to another. Her mother come out a while later and took her home. That was the end of that.

I tried to find something to eat but it was kinda late. I needed to get to a club by 10 to surprise a friend. I got out of the house and walked to Meatpacking. But I caught a crosstown that happened to pass. Meatpacking sucks now. All these people who think they're trendy (some of whom are, most of whom aren't) just crowding the street. Not that I was a frequenter of that area before. I joined the trendy-wanna-be influx too but...yeah well. I'm just jealous that I'm not part of the beautiful people.

After the surprise, I headed to another club in Chinatown (ahh...home...) to meet some old HFG folks, several who are in from out of town. That was fun only because I could dance my ass off. Given how I dance, the cardio probably already burned all of my ass off. Damn! Chinese guys have little ass as is. Oh well. Got a couple of drinks there and had me a good time.

I got home at 2:30 AM. Went to bed a little after 3.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Woke up early today; early for a Saturday.

Yesterday, October 1 - Yeah, again, I didn't do much. Some of the things that I did do. I went to the Whitney. I walked from my apartment on 30th and Madison to the museum on 75th and Madison. It was a good walk. I don't know how long that took, but I think that's how I waste time. I walk place. I walked back after a 20 minute tour of the museum. I had already seen most of it.

Then I came home to a Bible study leader on her way to lead her flock. Yep, Regina. I KNOW! Who knew!?

Manboo and I hung out for a while after she left. We ate at L'Express. After 2 McChicken sandwiches, 2 doublecheeseburgers and 1 chicken select strip earlier in the eveing, I had a steak frites (medium rare) at the restaurant.

I came home and went to bed at 3 AM.

Friday, October 01, 2004

I woke late again today.

Yesterda, September 30 - I woke up kinda early that day. I went to a new dermie. She was okay. Got a couple of little growth/wart-y stuff removed. Yeah, kinda gross. That anesthetic was strong. They melon-balled those things outta there and I didn't feel a thing.

After the dermie's visit, I went to visit Namita at her place of work. I didn't go in of course. Didn't want to run into people. We gossipped for a while. I needed my deposit check from my old apartment. The beginning of the month is a scary time for me.

I then headed over to get new paper for the invites. It started raining by the time I got but I had my umbrella. I was singing in the rain...because I had an umbrella. I went over to Kinko's to submit the new paper. Long line at Kinko's. The people there are like those at the DMV. Slow and a little so smart. Some dude was complaining and spoke to a manager. Don't know how effective that was since his work still didn't get finished.

I came home to see and hear Manboo being sick. I heated up some food and ate it. I must have cooked a lot of food to keep heating shit up.

Worked on the computer (read surf). Didn't hear anything from the stuff I submitted the day before. Regina came home and showed us her brand spankin' new laptop. It was cool. It was a notepad type thing. The handwriting recognition software sucks. "Write this down bitch" turns into "something something british."

From 8 - 9, I watched Joey and Will and Grace. Not too shabby. I watched 5 minutes of the debate. Because of all the dumb jokes people make about George Bush, I would think it's so hard to speak impromptu style like this. I couldn't take it. I was pre-embarassed for him, so I turned it off and went to the gym. Living on the east side and having a west side gym is not very convenient. I mean, actually it's fine if I walked. I decided to take the subway because I got a day Metrocard. It took me 30 minutes to get there. If I walked, it would have taken 20. I decided to do the same coming back. Bad choice. I left my gym around 10:40. Got home at 11:30. Ridiculous.

Once I got home, I heated some stuff up and ate it. It wasn't enough for how much I felt I had worked out. I just did upper body stuff.

No applications tonight. Went to bed at 3 AM.